吳慧芬:《疫中書箋:疫情下的足跡》。吉隆坡:永恆智慧書局,2020。 Elaine Goh Wei Fun, Footprints During Covid-19. Kuala Lumpur: Etrenal Wisdom, 2020.
購書詳情可接洽作者(elainegoh@stm2.edu.my)或從吉隆坡衛理大廈一樓的永恆智慧書局購買得到。地址是1st floor, Wisma Methodist, Lorong Hang Jebat, off Jalan Hang Jebat, 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; 電話咨詢 +603-2078 0534.
During her sabbatical break in the period of January to June, Dr Elaine Goh has written a new book among her other research and writings, which is titled Footprints During Covid-19, where she spent as a visiting scholar at Fuller Theological Seminary in California. The book is written in Mandarin and it features 56 daily reflections during Malaysia 56 days’ MCO period, 40 pictorial meditations in California, and 14 short messages during the author’s 14 days’ quarantine when returning to Malaysia. The title is recently published by Eternal Wisdom Sdn Bhd in August, and can be purchased from the author (elainegoh@stm2.edu.my) or from the Eternal Wisdom Books & Stationary bookstore at Room 102, 1st floor, Wisma Methodist, Lorong Hang Jebat, off Jalan Hang Jebat, 50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (03-2078 0534).